Sunday, November 4, 2012


We had a great chore system during the Summer and since school had started we haven't really had a system, so I end up doing most of the work, and the kids have no incentive to help out around the house.

Our new system is a "Ticket" system.  I have written down chores they can choose to do.  The first 3 chores they accomplish they get 1 ticket and for each additional chore they get another ticket.  When they hit 25 tickets they get $5 in credit from Mom and Dad.  They can choose to spend it or save it for something bigger.

 I also made baskets for the kids "stuff".  I hate having to go up the stairs just trying to pick up socks, toys, hair things, ect.  This way they can be responsible for their own stuff.  They can empty their basket to work towards tickets also.

"Toy Jail" has also been instituted.  If I ask for something to be picked up more than once it goes to "Toy Jail".  They can give me a ticket for their toy, do a ticket chore, or if it is there longer than a week it gets thrown away or donated.  Three days in we haven't had any toy go to jail.  I am sure the excitement will wear off and lots of toys will have to spend some time in the slammer.  
 So far this system has worked wonderfully. The kids are very excited to help everyday and they are also learning how to do new chores that really help mom out.

Brody (aka: Batman) vacuuming under the couch cushions.  He LOVED doing this chore.
I am sure in a few months I will have to change the system up again.  For now this is really working for us, and it is always nice to have a little help around the house.

Thanks for reading!

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